Monday, November 9, 2009

Station One- KidPix Pictograph (Elementary/Early Childhood/TAL)

Intro: Everyday in Ms. Martins kindergarten class, they complete a different graphing activity. Ms. Martin thinks its important for her students to experience different types of data visualization. For this activity students will learn about tally sheets.

The above activity was the activity that we were working with for our station. The first thing we had to do was create a tally sheet with Microsoft word using pictures instead of words. On the tally sheet we had to create a 2x5 table with Basketball, Baseball, Football, Soccer, and Volleyball included on it. This is the sheet that students will use to collect their data.

After we created the tally sheet we had to do was to make up data to use with it. We then had to make a pictograph to present the data. You can see it below.The next thing we did was create a snowman glyph on KidPix. There was a paper that told you instructions on how to make your snowman. The snowman was created based on your answers to the questions. An example question was "Do you like pizza?" If yes, then you drew a red hat on your snowman. If no, then you drew a blue hat on your snowman.
The final thing we had to do was create a microsoft word document with questions to ask our students. An example question on the document was "What sport was liked the most and what sport was liked the least?" Then we had to create discussion questions also to ask in a whole class discussion.

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